
Field Trip to Shark Reef

I had a chance to chaperoned for Melati's class to go to Shark Reef.
Melati and her friends wathching watching and learning about Mantarays.
Melati and Briana, her bff.
Under the huge aquarium, watching fishes passing by.
Melati and Briana were holding hands the whole time....soo cute.
Trying to get a better view of the sharks in the aquarium.
Touching the Mantarays everytime they pass by, they giggle everytime they got to touch them.
Learning about Jelly Fish, what an awesome creature.
No, they're not tired. They were watching the sharks. We were inside an Aquarium.
Again, Briana and Melati.
On the bus on the way back to school, Briana and Melati kept talking about how much fun they had at Shark Reef.

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