
Back to School

Summer is officially over. Kids are going back to school.
Posing before leaving the house. They are excited to go back to school
Putri,My 5th grader, is looking forward to meet her teacher and make new friends.
Can you believe that Melati is in 1st grade???
Jonas, my 2nd grader, is Happy as can be.
I watched them walking to the bus stop.
They waited for the bus and met their friends, Adeline and Italy, from the neighborhood.
They are excited to have Melati in their bus now that Melati is in 1st grade.
Adeline and Putri have been good friends since 4th grade and now they are going to be in the same class....how fun!!
I watched them getting on the bus.
Walking together after they got off the bus.
Looking for their lines.
Melati found her line and she lined up with her friends.
After school, they met together and walked back to the bus line
Melati got a yellow card so that she can go to the right bus home.
They lined up waiting for the bus home
Putri is making sure that everyone is safe and get on the bus.
I watched them getting on their bus home. Pheww...first day of school was exciting but yet tiring. But I followed them for the first week to make sure that they can get on their new routines safely.

This pic. was taken on the 2nd day of school. Melati, Jade, and Sammie were so happy to see each other in the new school.
They were the Bestest friends in Kindergarten...

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