
Melati's Graduation

Melati is graduating from Kindergarten.....how exciting!!
Melati and Jade, her kindergarten bff, at the ceremony.
Receiving her diploma, now she is officially a Kindergarten graduate.
There she is with her Kindergarten certificate.
Melati and her girl friends. These are the only girls in her class. There are 21 kids in her class and only 4 girls, including Melati. So these girls are automatically bffs.
Congratulation for graduating. She had such a fun year of Kindergarten.
Nene and Melati
This is the only picture of me and Melati at the ceremony. Melati was too tired for picture.
Melati and Ella.
Nene, Melati, and Mr.Q, the principal.
We had some refreshment after the ceremony served by the 5th graders.
Melati and Sammie and Mrs.Dell, their teacher.
Now that school is over. We are excited for the new school year. We know that we are going to have so much fun in the new school next year.

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