
Free Labor.

First day of Summer/track break for us, I had the kids pull out all the weeds in our front and back yard. I kind of let those weeds grow so that the kids would have something "fun" to do on their summer break.

Jonas was actually enjoyed this task. He could pull those weeds all the way from its roots.

That is one nasty weed, but Jonas called those weeds "cute plants". He didn't understand why we had to pull them out.

Melati and Putri were working together to make sure that they get the work done.

This is the biggest weed that Melati pulled. She and her siblings had fun pulling out those nasty weeds on their first day of summer break. I was so happy now that our yards look much better and that I had free labors ......aahhhh having 3 kids have finally paid off!!.

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