
Love Letter

Today when the kids came home from school, Jonas showed me a letter from his friend who is a girl ( a girl friend...I suppose??). He's been keeping the letter in his pocket. it says " Dear Jonas, I like you and I hope you like me! Ever since I came, I liked you. My sister knows your sister Debora!!ohh...just to tell you, that Debora and my sister were trying to help me tell you that I like you! But now you know, don't tell anyone! please! please! please! Juliana "

awwww.....how cute is that??? A cute little love notes for my little Jonas .

when I asked Jonas if he likes her back, Jonas said he does like her,too but it is a secret because Jonas said " I can't be dating untill I'm 25"......jonas is such a good boy, he obviously listened to me when I told him that he can go out on a date when he is 25......good job Jonas, we'll see if you really are gonna wait that long to go out on a date.....

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